
 Structures, 2017 

In mundane life, one is constantly surrounded by physical patterns and structures. They are in fact so ubiquitous that we tend to ignore them. However, once we frame and depict them, they are revealed to be pleasant and impactful. And even more important, they offer a visual gateway, a reminder for the underlying norms, convention, institutions, and informal rules that structure societies, hence, indirectly steer collective and individual behaviour (see Michel Foucault's concept of 'governmentality'). In turn, this can foster an engagement in which we can question taken-for-granted social configurations and channels that relay authoritarian messages. To ask, for example, why national borders pose such substantial barriers to people's freedom of movement, or to probe why we still force unwanted gender roles onto people. Thus, it provides a tool to remove or realign the social strings that are attached to every individual and hinder their mental freedom and impede their self-actualisation.